Monday 25 April 2011


Hazrat Sayed Abdul Qadir (Allah be pleased with him) was born on the first Day of Ramadan 480 Hijra at Jilan in Iran. His family tree from his fathers side, dates back from Hazrat Imam Hasan (Allah be pleased with him), and from his mother's side, he is descended from Hazrat Imam Hussain (Allah be pleased with him). He is a Hasani and Hussain Sayed. His father Sayed Abu Saleh, Musa Jangi Dost, was a Saint himself. His mother Syedah Umul-Khair Fatima was a daughter of Prominent Saint Sayed Abdul Surnanaee (Allah be pleased with all of them). His father saw the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) in a dream telling him, O Abu Saleh, Allah will give you a pious son, who would be my son too. He would be beloved of Allah and me too. He will have the highest place among Olias (Saints) and Qutub (seven poles), like I have the highest place among Prophets." He was born a Saint. He kept the fast the day he was born. He started his religious education at an early age. He memorised the Holy Quran at the age of ten years. In his childhood whenever he wished to play with other children, he heard the divine voice, "O Blessful (Mubarek) come towards Me." His father died when he was 14 years of age. When he was 16 years old, he asked his mother's permission to go to Hajj with the Caravan. His mother declined the permission. When the Caravan of Haji's left the town, he could not stop his tears. Allah brought the sight of the Ka'ba, people performing Twaff, in front of his eyes. This incident happened in his early years. When he achieved the perfection in his prayers, he said, "The Ka'ba does Twaff of my place and tent." The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) said, "O Ka'ba, you are indeed very beautiful and magnificent, your atmosphere is soothing and you have the great esteem in front of Allah but true Momins have more respect and are held in greater esteem in front of Allah than even you." Allah says, "I cannot be put together in the entire universe but I can be present in the heart of a Momin."
There is a hierarchy in Islam, which is as follows: The Messenger — Ghaus (seven helpers) — Imams (leaders) — Qutub (seven poles) — Abdals (seventy reformers). Sayedana Abdul Qadir (Allah be pleased with him) is the greatest of all Ghaus. He said, "Every Olia's (Saints) neck is under my feet." Ghaus means who listen from far and comes to help the believers in need. Allah says in Surah Yunus, "Listen! Truly the friends of Allah have no fear for themselves and no reason to worry. Those who embrace faith and fear of Allah, they have the good news of the life of this world and in the life of the hereafter. The words of Allah cannot be altered, this is their supreme triumph." These verses are for Olias (Friends of Allah). Olia's friend is Allah and Allah's friends are Olias. Allah says, "Remember Me and I will remember you (Sura Bakarah:152). Olias are strict followers of Shariat. Their appearances should be a complete copy of the Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him,) and indeed must have a spiritual connection with the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah upon him). Allah says, Iblis, "You are spared." Thereupon he promised to misguide human beings, "Except those who are your chosen subjects." (XV-40). Olias are chosen subjects even Satan cannot misguide them - These people (Olias) are successful in this world and in the life hereafter. This is true, because many Olias have passed away from this world many years ago but they are remembered regularly throughout the world. Muslim's recite the Quran and pray for their further enhancement of their status in Heaven. And consequently seeking Allah's pardon for themselves. An ordinary ruler is remembered only while he is in power. He is soon forgotten. But Allah's friends are remembered till the Day of Judgement. Olias will plead for Muslim's to be pardoned on the Day of Judgement.
One must be very carefull to distinguish between idols (MIN DOO NILLAH) and Olias. MIN DOO NILLAH means other than Allah. Idols are helpless. They even cannot move a fly from themselves. Olias are not helpless. Allah is their friend, Allah says? "Indeed, you who worship (Idols) other than Allah, will be the fuel of hell. You must go there." (Sura Ambia:98) Prophets, Angels and Olias are indeed other than Allah. But they do not come in the catagory of (MIN DOO NILLAH) Idols. Prophets, Angels and Olias are not fuel of hell. They are indeed Facts of Truth. Allah has given them spiritual powers, Baby Jesus said, "I am the subject of Allah. "(Sura Mariam:30). And he proclaimed, "I cure those who are born blind and those who are incurable lepers and I resurrect the dead by the order of Allah. And tell you what you will eat and what you will store in your houses "(Sura Ale Imran: 49). Regarding Muslims Allah says, "Allah is your friend, Prophets are your friends and people who embrace faith and regularised their prayers are also your friends." Allah gives plenty to whom He wishes. Allah has given Olias certain powers which ordinary people could not comprehend.
When Sayedena Abdul Qadir (Allah be pleased with him) finished his education at Jilan, His mother gave him permission to go to Baghdad for further studies. She sewed 40 Dinar under his sleeves and gave him a parting advice, "Never to tell a lie." On the way the Caravan which he was travelling with was attacked. Robbers captured him and asked him, "Have you got something?" He replied, "40 Dinars." They laughed at his answer and took him to their leader. He maintained his statement of possessing 40 Dinars. They found the 40 Dinars on him and were taken aback with the truthfulness of the young man. The fear of Allah came to their hearts and they became true Muslims. He studied until he was 30 years of age in Baghdad and became an eminent scholar of Theology. He was known thoughout Iraq for his knowledge and piousness. He used to read the full Quran in two Ra'kat Salat in a night. He prayed morning prayers for 40 years with Isha's ablution. He roamed for 25 years in Jungles of Iraq to aquire mystic knowledge. He met Hazrat Khwaja Khizar (blessings be upon him), who told him, "I will come back after three years, do not go anywhere." He stayed at that place for three years. He used to pray in loneliness.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said to him in a dream, "Why don't you preach to the masses?" He replied, 'I am not an Arab, how can I deliver my sermons effectively to them." Our Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) put his Saliva in his mouth. Similarly Hazrat Ali (Allah be pleased with him) put his saliva in his mouth. His speeches became very widely recognised. Many famous learned persons came to him for advanced education in religious and spiritual lessons. Among the great learned people were Shaikh Faqihee Abdul Fateh, Shaikh Mohammed Mahmood, Imam Abu-Mahmood-ul Hasan Farsi, Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed, Khawaja Moenud-Din Chishty Ajmeri etc. Hundreds of thousands embraced Islam at his hands. Once in a dream, he saw an old man approaching him. He was in poor health, he fell down and begged for a helping hand. Sayedena Abdul Qadir (Allah be pleased with him) recited Quranic verses to the old man. Suddenly the old man jumped up refreshed and alert. He said to the Ghause-Azam, "Do you know me?" The answer was in the negative, He said to Shaikh, "I am your grandfather's religion, "Islam". I became helpless but you rejuvenated me". He said, "When I went to the Mosque in the morning, I heard the voices Mohi-ud-Din (Reviver of Islam). He was a very humble person. Once he went on a Pilgrimage to Makkah.
When he finished the rituals of Hajj he prayed, with heavy heart and his eyes were full of tears and his heart was trembling, "O Allah my creator, if I am liable to punishment, then raise me blind on the Day of Judgement, so that I won't be ashamed in front of your beloved people."
He fed poor people before he ate. Poor travellers, orphans, widows, sick and elders were dear to him. He never sought friendship with rich people. He openly criticised Khaliphs for appointing tyrant Chief Justices. He never stood up to welcome rich people. Kings and Khaliphs asked his permission for an audience but he seldom granted permission. He preached Islam for more than 40 years. He wrote many precious books. His written Dua (prayers) and 40 Kafs are the key to spiritual success.
He fell ill for a short period. He gave advice to his eldest son, "Fear Allah and no one else. Do not expect anything from any person but have complete dependency on Allah, and leave all works to Allah's will. Remain pleased with Allah till the end of your life." Angel Izrael gave him a written death warrant and asked his permission to take the soul away. He passed away from this world on 11th Rabi-AI-Thani in 561 Hijra. The eleventh day of every Islamic month, Muslims gathered in the Mosque to read Quran and Fateh to his soul to enhance his status in Heaven (Which has a hundred grades). Every Muslim, when praying Salat, sends knowingly or otherwise, blessings of Allah, to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) and his descendants. This is the Doorad-e-Ibrahimi. "0 Allah! Shower your blessings on our leader Muhammad and his descedants as you shower your blessing on our leader Ibrahim and his descendants: Verily, you are the praiseworthy, the Glorious." Allah says, "There is no doubt, that those who embrace faith and do good works, the Benificent will soon fill them with love." (Sura Mariam: 96).
When Allah bestows His favour upon a subject, He tells the Angels, the certain person has been chosen as His friend. His popularity increases by leaps and bounds. He is loved by Angels and people on earth. Hazrat seyedana Mohi-ud-din Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (May Allah be pleased with him) is one of Allah's chosen friends and he will be loved with reverence till the Day of Judgement.

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