Monday 25 April 2011

Ghaus-ul-Azam Sayed Abdul Qadir Jilani

Ghaus-ul-Azam Sayed Abdul Qadir Jilani
The Great defender and the leader of the saints were born of pious parents of Hasani lineage, in the year 478 Hijri at Gilan in Persia. He was Syed from both sides, from father as well as mother. His father Syed Abu Saleh, was an illustrious and God - fearing man. Once he was engrossed in meditation by the bank of a river he saw an apple floating down the river. He picked it up and ate it. It struck to him that he ate the apple without paying for it so he set out in search of the owner, on the bank of the river and at last reached the owner of the apple orchard, Abdullah Somai whom he requested to tell him the price of the apple, Abdullah Somai replied that it was an expensive thing. Syed Abu Saleh replied that he had not much by way of worldly material but he, could serve him for its compensation. Abdullah Somai then asked him to Work for a year in the orchard. In course of time the duration was extended several times. In the end Abdullah Somai admitted that he had served him in excess of the price and desired to reward him. Abu Saleh hesitated in accepting it but when Abdullah Somai persisted, he relented. He said he had a daughter, blind of eyes, handicapped of hands and feet and wanted to give her in marriage to him. In this way Abdullah Somai was married to his daughter, Syeda Fatimah. To his astonishment Abu Saleh found her wondrously beautiful and wholesome. He complained to his father-in-law that he found her exactly the opposite to what he had described her. Abdullah Somai insisted on the truthfulness of his statement. She was blind because she had not seen a man who could marry her. She was mute because she had not uttered a word repugnant to the Shairah. She was deaf because she had not heard anything inconsistent with the Shairah. She was handicapped of hand and feet because she had never moved in the direction of evil. The Great defender's father died soon after and the little orphan was reared up by his mother and under the benevolent care of his grand father, Abdullah Somai.

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